My name is Ajibola, and I am a Frontend Developer — not yet, but soon.

Ajibola Okungbaye
2 min readAug 17, 2021

My journey into the world of web development started in 2014. I was a 200-level student of Actuarial Science whose closest friends were Computer Science students. I heard them talking about Python and I decided to explore if I could learn the language. The journey ended with me glossing through the first twenty pages of an Introduction to Python textbook, dropping it and never going back to it.

7 years later and after several attempts at learning HTML and CSS, I finally managed to get the hang of it. The past three months have been me going back to the drawing board. Learning HTML and CSS from scratch, Coffee sustained eyes binging JavaScript tutorials like my life depended on it.

here I am, throwing my cap into the HNG Internship pool. At the end of this programme, I do hope I am able to build tools that make live easy because that was why I kept coming back to this.

Word on the street says that the Zuri Internship or HNG Internship as it is also known as, is not an easy walk in the park. However, I am ready to give it my all and see where this journey leads to.

In the spirit of giving back, below are links to introductory programming and design tutorials. I hope someone, somewhere is inspired.

Introduction to Figma

Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners

HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners

JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners

Shout out to everyone who has been with me thus far.

Now let’s rumble!

